Creating Solutions for all types of currency requirements.
Market Orders
Let us know the price you are looking to achieve and we will monitor the markets for you giving you the freedom to focus on what ever tasks may be at hand.
We can either inform you when your rate has been achieved or automatically execute. Best part about automatic execution is the fact that it is active unless cancelled or your price is achieved – this means that if the market hits your targeted level overnight then your currency will be automatically purchased for you at your target price.
Spot Trades
Book and settle same day transfers through our faster payments. This can be done online via our payment platform or over the phone with a dedicated dealer.
If you see a rate that is attractive but do not have anything to settle then just hold the funds in one of your named currency accounts we can offer you at no extra cost.
Forward Contracts
We offer FX spot and forward contracts (up to 1 year), which can be used to mitigate foreign exchange risks (examples can then be provided of e.g. a business invoicing in one currency but having to buy supplies in another)